Quote of the week!

I have started a new project a few days ago and now is the time to conceptualise!!!! This is my favourite part of a project, I can't wait to start putting together the mood boards and the concept design!

Have a great week everyone!

xx Fay

Photo from Pinterest.

Colour Inspiration: Blue, White & Yellow!

A while ago I posted through my Instagram one of my mood boards where the colour combination was Blue, White & Yellow! The brief for that project was a neutral interior with pops of colour and that resulted to a beautiful concept!

Today I am sharing with you the mood boards I put together for that project along with some inspirational images. I am SO obsessed with this combo lately and I am really considering this concept for my guest bedroom, which is in deep need of transformation!! :-) 

Will ponder over it during the weekend and keep you posted. In the meantime enjoy the photos!

xx Fay

Photos from Pinterest and me.


One of my favourite photographers of all times is Rodney Smith. He shoots only film and he never uses special effects. There is something whimsical in his photographs, there is movement even when his models are not moving, there is reality even in his most surreal photographs. 

What I find extraordinary about him is that, although he always wanted to be a photographer, he chose to study English Literature, Religious Studies and Theology. In one of his interviews Smith said "I absolutely knew I wanted to be a photographer, but I didn't feel that studying in an art school or a photography department full time was the way to address the issues that were interesting to me - so I sort of entwined the two". 

Rodney Smith is not just a photographer. He is a visionary, a creator, a perfectionist, he is an artist. His attention to detail is remarkable and evident on every picture he takes and I absolutely adore all of them!! 

Do you have a favourite artist? I would love to hear about them!

Have a great weekend everyone!

xx Fay

Photos from Rodney Smith